How to Survive a Loooong Bus Ride
Ever been on a long bus ride? What could be worse than sitting straight nonstop for 16 hours?
Sitting straight for 28 hours.
Here at Shen Yun, busing around the country is a way of life—north to south, East Coast to West Coast. And back.
And that’s how our 2013 season began. We just finished our shows in Cleveland, Ohio, and here we are, in the middle of a ridiculously long two-day, one-night trip, driving cross-country to San Diego, California.
What to do with all that time sitting on the bus? In a nutshell, it all comes down to preparation. Here are some tips I’ve accumulated these last few years:

The Long Bus Ride Survival Preparation Guide
Get yourself ready with:
1. Electronic gadgets: Charge any iPod/iPad/iPhone/Android/Kindle/laptop/camera the night before. Bring an extra battery for your favorite device.
2. Neck pillow: Sleeping upright for a long period of time can get uncomfortable. Neck pillows will allow you to snooze snuggly, and help prevent waking up with a stiff neck.
3. Clothing: Dress in comfortable layers, that way if it gets too hot or cold, you can layer up or down. Clothing can also be used as blankets, or to prop up your laptop. Also, make sure to wear sneakers that can be easily kicked off for extra luxury comfort.
4. Snacks: Packing the right snacks will not only help you save money, but cut down on calories, too. Opt for healthier options: sandwiches, crackers, fruit cups, fresh fruit… just don’t leave the fruit to the end of the trip).
5. Water: The best source of liquid for the body, especially on bus rides. Or, if you really must, winter melon tea.
6. Other essentials: tissues, eye masks, ear plugs.
7. Entertainment: word finds, Sodoku, card games, friends.
Preparation is essential! For some, the long ride can be a joy, for others, a nuisance. Sometimes it’s both. A little preparation goes a long way, though. You’re the only one who can make your long road trip more or less comfortable.
Enjoy the ride!

How to Survive a Loooong Bus Ride
December 28, 2012